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Research Papers
2012 National Pension Statistics : Silver Book
Part NPRI Date 2013/08/07 Hits 856

2012 National Pension Statistics : Silver Book




¡í General Information : Past and Present                                               ¡¦  5

¡í Enrollment and Collecting Contributions                                              ¡¦  12

¡í Pension Benefits                                                                             ¡¦  21

¡í National Pension Fund                                                                     ¡¦  28

¡í Basic Old-age Pension : a Social Assistant Program                           ¡¦  34

¡í Appendix A. Public Pension Statistics of Major OECD Countries            ¡¦  36

¡í Appendix B. Mandatory Occupational and Corporate Pension Statistics  ¡¦  42

¡í Appendix C. Old-age Population and Labor                                         ¡¦  46

¡í Information and Terminology                                                               ¡¦  51

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