Application for Korean Benefits under the Agreement
If you have periods of coverage both in Korea and France but don't have enough periods of coverage under the Korean pension system to qualify for Korean pension benefits, you may be able to qualify for Korean benefits by submitting the following required documents as long as you meet the requirements for entitlement based on totalization of periods under both the Korean pension system and French pension system.
- Requirements for entitlement classified by the types, eligible persons, the method of filling out the forms and required documents are introduced respectively under each benefits link above.
- A claimant must submit "Application for Korean Benefits under the Korea-France Social Security Agreement" to the NPS and to the France Agency.
- At the time of applying for benefits by mail, you are recommended to be fully aware of the requirements for the Benefit Application by asking NPS by phone. In this way, you will ensure the proper preparation of the documents and avoid any unnecessary delays in payments. Otherwise, you might waste time in correcting errors or omissions on the Application.
- You can download the form of "Application for Korean Benefits under the Korea-France Social Security Agreement"from our website or get it at the NPS's regional office, the Embassy of the Republic of Korea Abroad, or a France agency.
Old-age Pension
- 1. Eligible Persons
If you meet the following conditions for the benefits by totalizing both countries' periods of coverage, you may be able to apply for the Korean Old-age pension under the Social Security Agreement. However, to be eligible to have your Korean periods counted, you must have completed at least 12 months.
Type | Totalized period of Coverage | Age of the first benefit payment | Other Cases |
Full Old-age Pension | 20 years or more | age of 60 (55) | less than 65, not engaged in income-earning activities |
Reduced Old-age Pension | from 10 years to less than 20 years | age of 60 (56) | less than 65, not engaged in income-earning activities |
Active Old-age Pension | 10 years or more | age from 60 to 65 (55-60) | engaged in income-earning activities |
Early Old-age Pension | 10 years | age of 55 | less than 65, not engaged in income-earning activities |
Special Old-age Pension | from 5 years to less than 10 years | age of 60 (55) | more than certain years of age |
- 2. Filling out the Application Form and Required Documents
If you want to apply for an Old-age pension, you must fill out Part A (General information), Part B (Application for an Old-age Pension), Part I (To be signed by the applicant) on the "Application for Korean Benefits under the Korea-France Social Security Agreement" and submit it with the following required documents.
- [Required documents]
- ID such as Alien Registration Card and Passport, or just Resident Registration Card
- A copy of your Korean bank account information
¡Ø If you want overseas remittance, you must fill out the Overseas Remittance section Part A-7 (Method of Payment of Benefit) and submit a copy of your foreign bank account information. - In the case of Early Old-age Pension
- - If you are an employee: an Employment Contract (a Verification of Employer), and an Income Withholding Taxes Receipt (or a Salary Book or a bank account where your salary is deposited into, etc.) are also required.
- - If you are an employer: a Certificate of Suspension or a Cessation of Business, or documents to confirm suspension or cessation are also required.
- If you have any dependents supported by you,
- - Documents to confirm your family relations: a copy of your family register, a copy of the Registration of Korean National Residing Abroad, verification of residence, verification of common law status, etc.
- - Documents to confirm your dependence status: a Certificate of Studentship, a Certificate of Holding Office, a Certificate of Medical Care, a copy of the Certificate of Business Registration, a copy of the Building Registration Certificate, documents to confirm special reasons for living separately, a remittance statement of the financial institution (communications and portal services), etc.
- - Documents to confirm your disability: a medical report for disability under the Agreement(a French medical report is acceptable)
¡Ø If you have a certificate of disability registration falling under the 1st or 2nd degree based on the Korean Welfare of Disabled Persons Act prior to the date on which reasons of payment occur (e.g., the date when an Old-age pensioner reaches pensionable age, when a Disability pensioner has finished his/her medical treatment or 2 years have passed since the first medical examination, or in the case of Survivor Pension, when the person who is/was a contributor dies) it is considered as a document of verification for disability.
Divided Pension
- 1. Eligible Persons
If you lived with your ex-spouse for 5 years or more while your spouse was paying contributions, and your spouse is a beneficiary of Old-age Pension under the social security agreement, you may apply for a divided pension if you meet the following conditions for the benefits. However, to be eligible for the benefits, you must have completed at least 12 months of coverage in Korea.
- [ You are entitled to the payment of benefits ]
- (1) When you become 60 years of age after having divorced an Old-age pensioner.
- (2) When you divorce an Old-age pensioner after turning 60 years of age.
- (3) When your ex-spouse acquires Old-age pension entitlement after you become 60 years of age.
- (4) When you become 60 years of age after your ex-spouse has acquired Old-age Pension entitlement.
- 2. Filling out the Application Form and Required Documents
If you want to apply for a Divided Pension, you must fill out Part A (General information), Part C (Application for a Divided Pension), or Part I (To be signed by the applicant) on the "Application for Korean Benefits under the Korea-France Social Security Agreement"and submit it with the following required documents.
- [Required documents]
- ID such as Alien Registration Card and Passport or just Resident Registration Card.
- A copy of the your Korean bank account information
¡Ø If you want overseas remittance, you must fill out the Overseas Remittance section Part G (Method of Payment of Benefit) and submit a copy of your foreign bank account information. - If you are Korean: documents to confirm your divorce such as a copy of your family register, etc.
- If you are a foreigner or an overseas Korean: documents to confirm the period of marriage and occurrence of divorce such as a certificate of marriage, a certificate of residence report of overseas Korean national, or a confirmation of residence.
Disability Pension
- 1. Eligible Persons
If you have periods of coverage in Korea and come to be disabled while you are covered under the German Pension System, you may apply for the Korean Disability Pension under the Social Security Agreement. - 2. Filling out the Application Form and Required Documents
If you want to apply for a Disability Pension, you must fill out Part A (General information), Part D (Application for a Disability Pension), Part H (To be signed by the applicant) on the"Application for Korean Benefits under the Korea-France Social Security Agreement" and submit it with the following required documents.
- [Required documents]
- ID such as Alien Registration Card and Passport, or just Resident Registration Card
- A copy of your Korean bank account information
¡Ø If you want overseas remittance, you must fill out Overseas Remittance section Part A-7 (Method of Payment of Benefit) and submit a copy of your foreign bank account information. - Documents to verify your disability history
- - Documents sent by the German Agency in relation to your disability(Medical report for disability, X-ray, CT or MRI film, etc.)
- - A Medical report that verifies disability (This form was established under the social security agreement between Korea and France. It is to be used if the documents from France are not sufficient)
- If the accident occurred while you were working
Documents to confirm whether you are eligible for compensation under the Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Act, the Labor Standard Act or the Seamen Law - If you receive compensation from a person who caused you harm, you need the related documents
- - the decision of the court or a copy of the settlement reached with the person who caused your disability.
- If you have any dependents supported by you,
- - Documents to verify your family relations: a copy of your family register, a copy of the Registration of Korean Nationals Residing Abroad, a Verification for Residence, a Verification for the marriage in effect, etc.
- - Documents to confirm your dependence status: a Certificate of Studentship, a Certificate of Holding Office, a Certificate of Medical Care, a copy of Certificate of Business Registration, a copy of Building Registration Certificate, documents to confirm special reasons for living separately, a remittance statement of the financial institution (communications and portal services), etc.
- - Documents to confirm your disability: a medical report for disability under the Agreement (a France medical report is acceptable)
Survivor Pension
- 1. Eligible Persons
A surviving dependent of the person who meets the following conditions can apply for a Survivor pension. However, to be eligible for the benefits, he/she must have completed at least 12 months of coverage in Korea
- [Surviving dependents are entitled to the payment of benefits:]
- (1) When a person with insured periods under the Korean National Pension Scheme dies while he/she was covered under the German Pension system.
- (2) When a person with a totalized insured period of 10 years or more under the Korean and the German Pension system dies after losing insured status.
- (3) When a person with a totalized insured period of less than 10 years under the Korean and German pension systems dies within 2 years after the first medical examination during the insured period due to disease or injury that occurred during the insured period of the German pension system. This case even applies if a person dies within 2 years after the first medical examination which is made within 1 year after that person's insured status was discontinued.
- (4) When a person who is a beneficiary of the Old-age Pension or the Disability Pension with 1st or 2nd degree of disability under the Agreement dies.
- 2. Filling out the Application Form and Required Documents
If a person wants to apply for an Survivor Pension, he/she must fill out Part A (General information), Part E (Application for a Survivor Pension), Part H (To be signed by the applicant) on theApplication for Korean Benefits under the Korea-France Social Security Agreement and submit it with the following required documents.
- [Required documents]
- ID such as Alien Registration Card and Passport, or just Resident Registration
- A copy of your Korean bank account information
¡Ø If you want overseas remittance, you must fill out Overseas Remittance section Part G (Method of Payment of Benefit) and submit a copy of your foreign bank account information. - Documents to confirm the beneficiary's death
- - a copy of the family register, a medical report for death, a confirmation of the corpse, a certificate of death
- Documents to verify your family relations: a copy of your family register, a copy of the Registration of Korean National Residing Abroad.
- Documents to confirm your surviving dependence status: a Certificate of Studentship, a Certificate of Holding Office, a Certificate of Medical Care, a copy of Certificate of Business Registration, a copy of Building Registration Certificate, documents to confirm special reasons for living separately, a remittance statement of the financial institution (communications and portal services), etc.
- Documents to confirm disability: a medical report for disability under the Agreement(a France medical report is acceptable)
- Documents to show the result of the first medical examination
- - a medical report for death, a confirmation of the corpse, a certificate of death and other documents to confirm the first medical examination. (if a Korean national dies in Korea, a report for health insurance medical examination and treatment, etc. is required)
- If the accident occurred while working
- - documents which verify whether you are eligible for compensation under the Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Act, the Labor Standard Act or the Seamen Law
- If you receive compensation from a person who caused you harm, you need the related documents.
- - the decision of the court or a copy of the settlement reached with the person who caused your disability.
Lump-sum refund
- 1. Eligible Persons
If you are a national of France and meet the following conditions, you may apply for a Lump-sum refund. However, once you have received the Lump-sum refund, your concerned insured periods are not totalized for the Korean National Pension or German Pension. Therefore, it may be advantageous for you to apply for a Pension instead of the Lump-sum refund.
- [ The following persons are entitled to the payment of benefits ]
- A French national with less than 10 years of totalized insured periods under the French and Korean pension systems who reaches 60 years of age, provided that he/she is not eligible for the old-age pension.
- A French national who loses his/her insured status under the Korean National Pension and returns or plans to return to France, provided that he/she is not eligible for the old-age pension.
- A surviving dependent of the French national who died with totalized insured periods less than 10 years under the French and Korean pension systems (only when this surviving dependent is not entitled to the Survivor Pension)
- A surviving dependent of the French national who died with more than 10 years of insured periods under the French and Korean pension systems, but only when this person is not eligible for the Survivor Pension due to the non-payment of contributions.
- 2. Filling out the Application Form and Required Documents
If you wants to apply for a Lump-sum refund, you must fill out Part A (General Information), Part F (Application for a Lump-sum refund), and Part I (To be signed by the applicant) on theApplication for Korean Benefits under the Korea-France Social Security Agreement and submit it with the following required documents.
- [ Required Documents ]
- ID such as Alien Registration Card and Passport, or just Resident Registration Card
- A copy of your Korean bank account information
- ¡Ø If you want overseas remittance, you must fill out the Overseas Remittance section Part G (Method of Payment of Benefit) and submit a certificate of your foreign bank account information.
- When you apply because you are leaving Korea
- - before leaving Korea: a copy of air ticket
- - after leaving Korea: a copy of your passport (the part which shows the immigration exit stamp dated after you discontinued your Korean insured status)
- When a survivor applies because of death
- - Documents to verify your family relations: a copy of your family register, a copy of the Registration of Korean Nationals Residing Abroad, a Verification for Residence, a Verification for the marriage in effect, etc.
- - Documents to confirm your dependence status: a Certificate of Studentship, a Certificate of Holding Office, a Certificate of Medical Care, a copy of Certificate of Business Registration, a copy of Building Registration Certificate, documents to confirm special reasons for living separately, a remittance statement of the financial institution (communications and portal services), etc.
- Documents to confirm disability: a medical report for disability (a French medical report is acceptable)
- ¡Ø The information here on our website is a general guide. You can get more information about exemption of Coverage at the International Relations Team or any regional office of the NPS.
Application for French Benefits under the Agreement
- 1. Eligible Persons
If you have periods of coverage in France for 12 months or more and meet the following conditions by totalizing the periods of coverage under the Korean and French pension systems, you are able to apply for the French benefits.
¡Ø You may get more information about qualifying conditions for French pension benefits at the relevant agency in France.
- 2. Filling out the and Submitting the Application Form
A claimant may apply for the French pension benefits by referring to the Korean National Pension Service or through the French agencies below.
- AVA(Assurance Vieillesse des Artisans)
- CNAV(Caisse Nationale d'Assurance Vieillesse):
- CNAVPL(Caisse nationale d'assurance vieillesse des professions liberales):
- ¡Ø According to the occupation or the region, relevant pension agencies can be variable.
¡Ø The information here on our website is a general guide. You can get more information about exemption of Coverage at the French agency.